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Ph: 108

Woman Helpline
Fire Dept.

Amchi / Ayush

Sowa Rigpa and its infrastructure in Ladakh.

Introduction - Gsowa Rigpa system popularly known as Amchi system is an ...


HOD: Dr. Phunchok Norboo
Dental Department of SNM Hospital is staffed by 6 dedicated Dentists and 7 abled dental assi ...


HOD: Dr. Lobzang Dawa

We are running ENT OPD 5 days a week in which we are seeing all different types of ENT cases, ...

General Surgery

HOD: Dr. Tashi Motup

The general surgery department of SNM Hospital Leh provides OPD & IPD services with round-the-c ...


Ophthalmology Eye Department
Eye Department consists of :--
1. Clinical Services.
2. Refractives Services
3. Investig ...


HOD: Dr. Anwar Hussain
Complex fractures surgeries, ilizarov surgeries, arthroplasties, spine surgeries, basic arthro ...

Paediatric Handicap

Pediatric Unit for Special Children: SNM Hospital Leh- Ladakh

Annual Report : Year 1-July 2010-June 2011
Mission Sta ...


Dept. of Paediatrics
Our Mission is to Improve health of the neonates ,children and adolescent through good patient c ...

Pathology & Blood Banking

Blood Banking

We provide a well organized Blood Transfusion service which is a vital component of the Health Care De ...

Psychiatry & De-addiction

HOD: Dr. Padma Angmo

The psychiatry & deaddiction department of SNM hospital caters to patients with mental illness

Radio Diag. & Imaging

Conventional Radiology

The Radiology Dept. is equipped with conventional X-Ray Machine 300(MA)GE and 500(MA) allenge ...


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