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Ph: 108

Woman Helpline
Fire Dept.

Pathology & Blood Banking


Blood Banking

We provide a well organized Blood Transfusion service which is a vital component of the Health Care Delivery System and we ensure a perfectly accessible and adequate supply of safe and quality blood. We have a storage capacity of about 600 blood units and are responsible for collection of blood through proper donor selection, screening these units of blood, storage & preventing unnecessary transfusion & establishing an effective quality assurance system.
In our endeavor to give the very best services to our patients and society as a whole we have upgraded the laboratory and now we provide beside the basic hematology and biochemistry tests, FNAC facility ,Body Fluid cytology and Pap tests. Latest additions include – Serum/Blood Cas Analyze -Hematology Cell Counter Our expansion plan include providing Histopathology and routine culture services.


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