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Ph: 108

Woman Helpline
Fire Dept.

Psychiatry & De-addiction


HOD: Dr. Padma Angmo

The psychiatry & deaddiction department of SNM hospital caters to patients with mental illness
of all types as well as substance use disorders including Depression, Anxiety disorders, OCD,
Somatization disorders, Acute psychosis, Schizophrenia, Bipolar affective disorder,
dementia, Neurodevelopmental disorders, Patients with suicide risk, Drug addictions, etc.

The department has two Psychiatrists, one clinical psychologist as well as a psychiatric social
worker working as a team to provide multidisciplinary management to the patients.
Patients receive pharmacotherapy(medicines) as well as psychotherapy.

There are OPD services available six days a week, emergency services, and three bedded in-
patient facility.

In the current financial year 2021-22, more than 3000 patients have received OPD
consultation and about 100 patients have received Inpatient treatment.
The department not only works for providing assessment and management of
psychiatric illnesses but also works for generating awareness about mental health in
schools, workplaces, and community level.

Disability certification for eligible patients with mental illness is also carried out.


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